EDGE Mentoring is a national mentoring organization for emerging and established leaders.

Become a Mentor


The Mentor Experience

Our mentors are the backbone of EDGE, providing the support that our mentees need to navigate their holistic growth. As a mentor, you’ll guide your group of mentees through intentional conversations about career development, personal growth, and faith.

Give Back

Pay it forward to the next generation simply by listening, sharing your experience, and providing guidance to your mentees.

Build Relationships

Connect with our vast network of mentors and mentees from a wide variety of career industries at our year-round events.

Grow Together

Hone your leadership and interpersonal skills alongside a supportive and engaging community that’s rooting for you.


The Details

Mentor Requirements

Mentors are typically experienced business or community leaders who are at least 35 years old and have a strong Christian faith.

Time Commitment

Lead virtual calls with your group twice a month for at least one year. The total time commitment is about 3-4 hours per month.

Statement of Faith

Given that EDGE Mentoring is a faith-based organization, we ask that all mentors sign a statement of faith in our application.


What Our Mentors Say


Become a Mentor in 3 Steps



Take about 20-30 minutes to complete your application. We encourage you to be open and honest in your responses!



 We'll review your application and be in touch about next steps. You'll be placed in the queue and added to our email list.


Group Assignment

If we've determined there's a good fit, you'll be onboarded and we'll provide you with the content you need to lead your group!